Wednesday, November 25, 2020


The Beamz is computer-based musical instrument that plays like a futuristic harp with laser beams for strings. The print Installation Guide directs you to the Beamz website to download the drivers and Beamz software. I could experiment with making the instruments play continuously with the background track or just use my hand or fingers intermittently to interrupt the laser beams creating variations in the melody and rhythm. Music has the ability to stimulate people to talk, share stories associated with songs, remember things from their past, and the like. Furthermore, the songs sound great, the first time they are played and every time. Sighted assistance will be needed during the installation and set-up process.
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The center section of the base has eight tactile control buttons discussed below.

Smart Phone Beamz Player | legal definition of Smart Phone Beamz Player by

The children preferred having the background music playing. I use a lot of technology to provide access to music for my students.

Therapists and staff at facilities that provide services to older adults use the system to stimulate movement. But to truly understand the potential of this product, you must remember there are lots of people that desire to express themselves musically, but lack the capability to do so.

So it goes without saying plater the Beamz has the definite potential to cause quite a stir in the DJ booth. You can also use it as an incentive or reward for productivity.

Hands-on Review of The Beamz Interactive Music System

The Beamz is computer-based musical instrument that plays like a futuristic harp with laser beams for strings. Beamz lasers can be triggered by:.

It's not hard to imagine kids going nuts over the Beamz at Bar Mitzvahs, and having it as an playdr attraction at wedding ceremonies and corporate events. Wave through the Conductor a second time and the note changes. So if your bassoon llayer gathering dust in a closet somewhere, and you were only ever able to make it screech like a creaky door in a horror movie anyway, you should check out the Beamz and discover a fun new approach to music making.

Sorry, something went wrong when sending that email: Beyond creating remixes in clubs that are fun to watch, the Beamz can bring the same magic to mobile ;layer. At first glance, many people may mistakenly dismiss the Beamz as nothing more than a glorified toy. The basic operation of the system is accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. A theremin has antennas that sense where your hands are, and it adjusts its pitch and volume depending on the proximity of your limbs.

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Beamz Music Player

Learn how AFB designs its family of websites for accessibility! I started out by showing the class how the Beamz worked. A remarkable aspect of Beamz is the opportunity for having fun with family and friends, disabled or not. Beamz Interactive Music The music system that you control bbeamz your hands or only your eyes. Views Read Edit View history. Please respond to the email to add comments or additional information. The Beamz box contains the controller unit packaged in semi-rigid, form-fitting foam.

Improved song content and store experience. If you're looking for a bezmz device that you can compose music with on your commute, you may want to look elsewhere.

As a frustrated musician with limited performance skills, I have to say pplayer I find the Beamz to be an interesting tool for making music. In order to be able to support you we will process your personal data according to our Privacy Policy. Each laser beam corresponds to an instrument or sound that the user plays by interrupting the beam.

I could experiment with making the instruments play continuously with the background track or just use my hand or fingers intermittently to interrupt the laser beams creating variations in the melody and bwamz.

A parent, family member, educator, therapist or other support staff member can perform these tasks and then make the system available for independent use. Developer Website App Support. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can play four different sounds at one time on the Beamz, you can choose to have the background music playing, or just make sounds by themselves.

Jacqueline introduced the Beamz to several of the children she heamz with and provided the following comments about the system:

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